Short Courses

The Democracy and Governance Program offers open-enrollment short courses on a variety of topics. These courses provide an excellent opportunity for busy government and private professionals to develop skills, network, and advance their careers. These non-credit courses are open to the public and last between one and three days, usually during the summer. Tuition includes a light breakfast, lunch, and course materials.

All courses are taught by full-time faculty or expert practitioners from the field. We keep our classes small to create learning experiences designed for maximum meaningful interaction. We also design our sessions for hands-on learning that teaches practical skills that participants can immediately use on the job and apply throughout their careers.

Come learn and network with other forward leaning professionals and our committed faculty.


Electoral Integrity Series

Electoral Malpractice (June 17-18, 2015)

Electoral Violence (June 19-20, 2015)


Download one of our brochures

To find our more about our summer short course offerings please contact:

Justin Harried
Program Administrator
Tel: 202-687-0596