
The Conflict Resolution program maintains a myriad of connections with local and international organizations, and encourages students to seek internships that will complement their coursework and prepare them for success in the job market upon graduation. 

Careers in Conflict Resolution include but are not limited to international and domestic placements, non-profit, consulting, education, business, and government. Click for a list of recent student placements. 

School of Foreign Service Graduate Career Development Center

Students have full access to the School of Foreign Service Graduate Career Development Center, which offers highly specialized career counseling and resources for Conflict Resolution students. The Center offers individualized career advising, job search workshops, career fairs, and access to Symplicity, a highly valuable job/internship database.


Dr. Craig Zelizer, one of the program’s adjunct professors and former Associate Directer founded the Peace and Collaborative Development Network, which is another valuable career planning resource. Jobs, internships, and scholarships are often publicized through this online forum.

See our Alumni Placements page to see where our graduates are working. 

Apply Now Mailing List Brochure

Government Master’s Program Office
Georgetown University
Box #571444
Car Barn, Suite 110
3520 Prospect Street, N.W. 
Washington, DC 20057 
Phone: 202-687-6373
Fax: 202-687-1112