Additional Information for Applicants

Frequently Asked Questions for Applicants

Tuition and Financial Aid

Question: How can I fund my education?

Answer: Most students fund their graduate degree with a combination of financial aid, student loans, and private scholarships.

Some Conflict Resolution students find external scholarship funding through their own research. The following resources have helped students secure funding:

We recommend the Peace and Collaborative Development Network (PCDN) as an information resource.

All American citizens should complete the Free Application for Student Aid (FAFSA) for consideration for federal aid in the form of subsidized loans.

The Program encourages all prospective students to review financing information provided by the Georgetown Office of Student Financial Services for more guidance.

Question: Do you provide scholarships?

Answer: We provide a limited amount of funding to our top candidates. Our awards may cover 3 to 9 credits of tuition coverage during the first academic year.

All applicants are automatically considered for merit during the application period. Second-year scholarships are not offered.

Question: Will you waive the application or deposit fees?

Answer: The program may waive the application fee, only for applicants from the following programs. Please contact the program for information at

  • Returned/former Peace Corps Volunteers
  • Former AmeriCorps Volunteers
  • Truman Scholars
  • Pickering Fellows
  • Fulbright Scholarship recipients

Preparing and Submitting Your Application

Question: How many students apply and are accepted into the program each year?

Answer: We are a competitive program. Our admissions statistics are not public and vary with each academic year.

Question: What is the average GPA or GRE of your accepted students?

Answer: The program does not publish admissions GPA or GRE data. Please note that we evaluate each application as a whole, not just GPA and GRE.

GRE scores are recommended but not required for applicants.

Question: What does it mean that GRE scores are recommended but not required?

Answer: If you have taken the GRE and want to submit your scores, we welcome those submissions. If the GRE score can tell us something about your record and your potential to succeed in the program that your other materials do not, then we want to take your scores into account when considering your application. However, if you do not wish to take the test or submit your scores, we consider applications complete without the inclusion of GRE scores.

Question: Where do I send my official test scores and transcripts?

Answer: Applicants should follow the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences application submission requirements as published on their website (Link to Graduate School application submission requirements).

Question: How do I submit my official recommendations?

Answer: When you apply via the Graduate School online application system, you will be guided through this process.

Question: What should I say in my Statement of Purpose?

Answer: We are looking for applicants with a passion to study Conflict Resolution at Georgetown and what specifically about our program has inspired you to seek admission.

Question: What should I say in my Optional Statement?

Answer: Use this statement to explain how you and your background will make contributions to the program and our community.

Question: Do you require an interview?

Answer: No, this is not a requirement for admission to our program.

Question: Do I need work experience to apply to the CR program?

Answer: No, prior work experience is not an admissions requirement.

Question: Does the academic writing sample need to be 10 – 20 pages in length?

Answer: Yes, please submit one 10 – 20 page paper that best demonstrates your academic writing ability.

The writing sample should demonstrate your ability to write a coherent, well-argued, well-researched, well-structured academic paper. If the paper can also demonstrate an exposure to or experience with the subjects of conflict resolution, that is also desirable.

Question: My transcript is in another language, what should I do?

Answer: Please see the Graduate School’s application submission instructions for information regarding how to submit international transcripts.

Next Steps:

Question: When will I be notified if I’ve been offered admission to the program?

Answer: Applicants will be notified by April 15th.

Question: I have additional questions about the application process, where can I find answers?

Answer: Please consult the Graduate School’s FAQs page.