Internship Placements
CR students intern with a variety of organizations and institutions throughout the world. Recent placements include:
- Academy for Educational Development
- Alliance for Peacebuilding
- Catholic Charities
- Center for Sustainable Economics
- Dance 4 Peace
- Diocese of Arlington Refugee and Migration Services
- Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
- Foundation for Defense of Democracies
- Fund for Peace
- Global
- Henry Stimson Center
- Institute for Inclusive Security
- InterAction
- International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
- International Peace and Security Institute
- International Rescue Committee
- Israel Policy Foruem
- Kenya Truth and Reconciliation Commission
- Landmine Action
- Mercy Corps
- National Council for International Visitors
- National War College
- OneVoice movement
- Partners for Democratic Change
- Pew Research Center
- Search for Common Ground
- UPeace
- United Nations Development Programme
- United States Department of State
- United States Embassy of China
- United States Embassy of Guinea
- United States Environmental Protection Agency
- United States Institute of Peace
- Washington Hospital Center
- Women Thrive Worldwide
- Woodrow Wilson Center
- The World Justice Project
Apply Now Mailing List Brochure
Government Master’s Program Office
Georgetown University
Box #571444
Car Barn, Suite 110
3520 Prospect Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20057
Phone: 202-687-6373
Fax: 202-687-1112