Honors Students to Present at Research Colloquium


APRIL 11, 2014 

It is with great pleasure that the Government Department announces the Inaugural Government Honors Research Colloquium to be held on Friday, April 11th, 2014. Seventeen honors students from the class of 2014 will present their thesis research in two panels in the morning and two in the afternoon. A question-and-answer period will be set aside at the end of each panel. The junior honors student class and several faculty members will be in attendance.


9:00-10:30       Panel 1, Car Barn 204

Meg Tomlinson, “Press, Politicians, and Public Opinion: How Cable Networks Cover School Shootings and Their Aftermath”

Sohayle Sizar, “Heard At Last: Evaluating of Student Reception Towards Anti-Bully Technology” 

Ella Cohen, “Contraception in the Classroom: Sex Education, Medical Accuracy, and State Politics”

Jack Appelbaum, “Public Financing and the Political Good: The Influence of the Citizen’s Election Program on State Senate Elections in Connecticut”

10:30-10:45     Coffee

10:45-12:15     Panel 2, Car Barn 204

Shannon Lynch, “Going for the Gold: Using the Olympic Games as a Political Instrument”

Nicholas Dirago, “Perfeccionamiento or a Blank Slate?: Democracy, Citizenship, and Political Reform in Cuba”

Coleen Creeden, “Why Does the Celtic Tiger Roar? A Comparative Study of Ireland’s Economic Recovery”

Annie Dale, “Fifty Shades of Pink: The Effect of Foreign Direct Investment on Latin America’s Pink Tide”

Sheeva Nesva, “The Pursuit of Happiness: A Comparative Analysis of Subjective Well Being”

12:15-1:30       Lunch, Car Barn Pavilion (4th Floor)

1:30-3:00         Panel 3, Car Barn 201

Mashal Shah, “Playing With Drones: Discourse on the Effectiveness of U.S Drone Campaign in Pakistan”

Guy Mentel, “The Second Front: The War on Terror and the Rise of Radicalism in Southeast Asia”

Kathleen Marini, “Living Through Its Links: Al Qaeda Affiliations”

Emily Rose Von Hoffman, “Unfair Justice: Do International Courts Undermine Domestic Rule of Law?”

3:15-3:30         Coffee

3:30-5:00         Panel 4, Car Barn 201

Michael Budzinski, “Between God and Country: Orestes Brownson on the American Republic”

Lawrence Slusky, “The U.S. Senate:  Parties, Partisanship, and Polarized Power”

Galen Foote, “High Crimes and Shifting Policy: Understanding the Federal Government’s Current Approach to the Prohibition of Marijuana”

Olivia Bercow, “Why Don’t American Jews Vote Conservative: A Comparative Study on the ‘Jewish Vote’ in the United States, Canada, and Great Britain” 

6:00                 Alumni Reception, Healy Hall, Bioethics Research Library

Intercultural Center Suite 681, 37th and O Streets, N.W., Washington D.C. 20057