PECO Economy Elective Courses
All students must take two (2) electives in Political Economy (PECO). All students must also take the Senior Capstone in Political Economy (PECO-401) or one (1) additional PECO 300 or 400-level elective that includes a research paper. Examples of approved PECO electives are listed below. Some may have pre-requisites or other restrictions. Some contain a thesis writing component, others do not. Those known to include a research paper are marked with a *.
Requests to consider other courses as electives should be directed to the Field Chair for Political Economy in the Government Department, the Field Chair for Political Economy in the Economics Department, or the College Dean for the Political Economy Major.
Examples of Political Economy Electives
ECON 156: Poverty & Inequality
ECON 211: Economic Development
ECON 256: Poverty, Growth and Inequality
ECON 416: Market Design
ECON 452: Behavioral Economics
ECON 459: Game Theory
ECON 461: Industrial Organization
ECON 475: Environmental Economics
ECON 483: Development Economics: Micro/Policy Issues
ECON 484: Political Economy of Trade Policy
ECON 491: Development Impact Evaluation
ECON 493: Insurance Markets and Government Intervention
GBUS 405: Introduction to International Business
GBUS 407: International Political Risk Assessment and Management
GBUS 463: WTO Dispute Settlement
GOVT 261: International Political Economy
GOVT 267: International Trade Law
GOVT 268: Political Economy of Development
GOVT 344: Dep. Sem. : Energy and Geo-Politics*
GOVT 355: Dep. Sem. : Liberalism*
GOVT 362: Poverty and World Economy
GOVT-367: Dep Sem: Economic Transparency/Political Stability*
GOVT 376: Dep Sem: Globalization and Redistribution: Developing Countries*
GOVT 491: Dep Sem: Morals and Markets*
IECO 220: Economics and the Public Sector
IECO 221: Law, Economics and International Policy
INAF 252: Introduction to Economic and Political Development
INAF 311: Centennial Lab: Indian Innovation Studio 1
INAF 316: Topics: Comparative Political Economy
INAF 332: Political Economy of Asia
INAF 367: Trade in Asia Pacific
INAF 373: Security/Economics/Cooperation: Africa
INAF 383: Applied Econometrics for Development and International Affairs*
INAF 395: Political Economy of Development in Africa
INAF 449: China’s Evolving Role in Africa
INAF 493: Ethics/Development: Gender
IPEC 314: Intl Dev Organizations*
IPEC 326: Corruption, Patronage, and Clientelism*
IPEC 328: Political Economy, Inequality and Redistribution
STIA 382: Energy Finance, Policy and Markets
STIA 475: Financial Markets and International Security